
Feeling alienated, unwanted and an excluded teen? Overwhelmed by the fear that nobody can help you? Neither your friends, schoolmates, family, nor society understand you? Being bullied, physically assaulted, verbally harassed, socially alienated, judged, excluded, and very often referred to as crazy, strange, nuts, and problematic? But all this is far from the truth.

You are your own story. Tell it out loud! It may not seem as if putting painful experiences into words and images has any effects, but it turns out that this can help you to fight the negative emotions, get rid of haunting bad thoughts, and might even lead to good choices that will solve your problems. Furthermore, your story can inspire other teens like you, so they also know that there is no need to hide their pains. And it is good to be aware that you are not the only ‘troubled’ one in this world.

The KILLER PENGUIN web platform features a gallery of personal stories in a form of the short animated web series created by teens who have gone through traumatic experiences at some point in their lives. The teenagers behind these stories are real, but their names and personalities are not revealed. They are given fictional names so as to avoid further stigmatisation. KILLER PENGUIN web platform is a safe space, a virtual environment where you can tell your own story and give it a new meaning without the fear of being judged. It is a space to get inspired and gain self confidence.

Take part, create, and share your story! Do not surrender to the despair and apathy if they hide within you, waiting for that moment it can ‘devour’ you. Try it out! Turn your problems into the source of inspiration. Creativity, playfulness, and laughter liberates.

Check the page Do it yourself, create your own story, and then send it to us at tomas@joniart.com

This project has been co-financed by Creative Europe MEDIA Programme, Slovenian Film Centre and Lithuanian Council for Culture

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